Benner, Care of Souls

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David G. Benner, Care of Souls: Revisioning Christian Nurture and Counsel. Baker, 1998.

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Referenced in: Pastoral Counseling Summary

This book is about recognizing the spiritual dimensions of common emotional and psychological struggles, and addressing them as a caregiver of souls, not so much as a quasi-therapist. Benner instills confidence in ministers on how they contribute to the healing of persons. He is deeply grounded in a history of spirituality, and chronicles the post-Freudian migration of Christian care-giving away from spirituality to psychology. He elevates the spiritual and theological in the healing process, yet respectfully integrates psychology. For ministers, anything written by David Benner is worth reading.

From the Publisher

A practicing psychologist explores the church’s role in “soul care,” advocating a counseling method that anchors modern therapy in timeless biblical principles.

About the Author

David G. Benner is professor of psychology at Redeemer College (Ontario) and a practicing clinical psychologist. He is the author or editor of fifteen books, including the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling Dr. Benner is also the founding director of the Institute for Psychospiritual Health, an international network of scholars and practitioners.

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