Chandler, Thy Kingdom Clean

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Ron Chandler, G. L. Lashley, and Joyce Parchman, Thy Kingdom Clean: The Care and Maintenance of Houses of Worship. National Association of Church Business Administrators Press, 2001.

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Referenced in: Church Administration – Architecture and Building Issues Summary

The book is produced by the National Association of Church Business Administrators. It is the most comprehensive, detailed guide available on general housekeeping and maintenance of church buildings. This is a collection of brief, accessible articles on issues such as hiring and evaluation of employees, outsourcing and monitoring custodial care and maintenance, buying and servicing necessary equipment, floor care (including tile and carpet cleaning), stain removal, odor mitigation, handling hazardous materials, safety measures, scheduling, conducting inventory. Appendices provide even more extensive coverage on several of these areas. 

About the Author

Ron Chandler is a Fellow of Church Business Administration through the National Association of Church Business Administrators. He is one of the most sought-after consultants on church management, and his website,, includes a number of articles on administrative matters. He is also the developer of Shelby Systems,, an extensive array of software solutions for faith-based organizations.

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