Christensen, Equipping the Saints, Mobilizing Laity

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Michael J. Christensen and Carl E. Savage, ed., Equipping the Saints: Mobilizing Laity for Ministry. Abingdon, 2000.

Referenced in: Ministry Involvement and Gift-Based Ministry Summary

This is a collection of articles by leading authors using the ancient metaphor of “three streams, one river” to address how ministerial leadership can move the people of God from baptism to the full flow of ministry in the church and in the world.

From the Publisher

Experts on congregational life tell us that ministry in the next century will depend more on called, trained, and committed lay leadership than it has since the days of the early church. But how will congregations recruit these lay leaders? How will they develop new models for training and equipping them for all the ministries of the church? What will the role of clergy be in adopting this new partnership that Leonard Sweet calls “ancient-future ministry”? Equipping the Saints seeks to help congregational leaders answer these and other questions related to mobilizing lay ministry in the years ahead.

About the Author

Michael Christensen and Carl E. Savage are Co-Directors of the D.Min. program of Drew University Theological School in Madison, New Jersey.

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