Evans, The Overcommitted Christian

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Pamela Evans, The Overcommitted Christian: How To Serve God Without Wearing Out. InterVarsity Press, 2001.

Referenced in: Ministry Burnout, Preventing and Overcoming

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

The unique contribution of this book is Evans’ belief that some who over-extend themselves in service to God may be acting out addictions or seeking to earn their own salvation instead of trusting God. She says that if we affirm our belief that we are unconditionally loved by God and redeemed by the Jesus’ work on our behalf, we will be freed from destructive over-commitment and better able to discern and follow our true calling. She may overstate her case, but the deep self-evaluation, especially using the “focus points” at the end of each chapter, may be the challenge some need to be released from the burden of over-involvement.

From the Publisher

Christians: “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life… . Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (Matthew 11:28-29, The Message)

Sometimes we are so focused on serving God that we lose sight of who the God we serve is. We are driven far beyond what God has called us to. We experience burnout rather than inspiration. Addictive tendencies and broken places in us exacerbate the unbalance, says Pamela Evans, and “we find ourselves sucked into a lifestyle which undermines our very purpose and makes nonsense of our message.”

In The Over-Committed Christian Evans draws on her many years of counseling experience to show us the way out. What we need, she contends, is a right picture of God. It is as we discover what God truly wants from us that we develop healthy lifestyle habits—proper boundaries, realistic limits, a pace that doesn’t leave us exhausted. And it is then—when we are finally relieved of unmanageable duties and unwarranted guilt, that we are free to experience God’s refreshing, renewing grace.

For all who are weary with “church work,” The Over-Committed Christian offers the opportunity to stop, look and listen. Stop doing. Look at our lives through God’s eyes with the help of reflection questions accompanying each chapter. And listen, through suggested prayer, to what God truly wants us to do with our days.

About the Author

Pamela Evans has worked as a doctor in both general practice and medical research. She is also an accredited counselor with a long-standing interest in process addictions. She resides in East Sussex, England.

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