Ford, Your Leadership Grip

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Dr. Paul Ford, Your Leadership Grip.

Referenced in: Ministry Staff and Leadership Teams Summary

Dr. Ford is a leadership and teambuilding specialist associated with Church Resource Ministries and Church Smart Resources.

Though geared more toward staff team-building, his resources are useful for any other leaders or ministry team members. Ford’s special focus is the “Leadership 3-step” (leader-to-team-to-church) which trains the Christian leader to effectively steward his or her ministry identity, then to help his/her team members and members of their churches do the same as they shift their values from an “I” culture to a “We” culture. His resources have been used by more than 50 denominational and mission groups, 800 individual churches, and 10,000+ Christian leaders.

Your Leadership Grip focuses on spiritual gifts as they relate to team effectiveness, helping individual team members understand how they function in a team. The process of Leadership Grip involves three phases.

  • First, each member of the team discerns their spiritual gifts, either as equipping gifts or supporting gifts.
  • Second, each team member understands his/her team style as either “Let me help you,” “Let’s go,” “Let’s be careful,” or “Let’s stay together.”
  • Third, each team member assesses his/her primary leadership functions as either values keeper, team builder, active listener, vision sharer, or equipping releaser.

Ford’s process is recommended by many as one of the most effective team-building processes. His resources are available only on his website through Church Smart Resources.

***For additional information on this resource, including reviews, click the bookstore links. Check the reference at page top or the links below for resource guides on related topics.***

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