Gifford, The Turnaround Church

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Mary Louise Gifford, The Turnaround Church: Inspiration and Tools for Life-Sustaining Change. Alban Institute, 2009.

Referenced in: Research and Case Studies on Effective Churches Summary

This resource definitely fits into the descriptive vs. prescriptive category. It is the inspiring story of the renewal of a church that had very little hope and few tangible reasons to believe in their future. The story occurs in a United Church of Christ congregation, but the dynamics translate easily into other congregations. It chronicles their renewal efforts in terms of worship, stewardship, leadership, vision, and mission. One of the strengths is the special way they approached the idea of money and possessions.

In the foreword, Thomas G. Long describes the special value of this book:

One of the most encouraging aspects of the Wollaston story is how clearly both Gifford and the congregation have felt the generous presence of God bringing streams of water to the desert places, giving new life and mission to a community of faith that had experienced defeat and despair. The turnaround at Wollaston Congregational Church is not merely an account of shrewd organizational management and institutional reengineering. It is an Easter story, a story of God once again giving amazing and surprising new life, and the fact that Gifford tells it with such hopeful joy is evidence not only of her ability as a scribe but also of the depth of her faith.

From the Publisher

The Turnaround Church is the story of Wollaston Congregational Church United Church of Christ, a 130-year-old congregation that once was thriving in ministry, membership, mission, music, and money. For half a century, however, the church had slowly declined and was considering closing its doors. The two dozen remaining members knew they had to change, but did not know how. They had very little money left, but they were willing to risk it all.

With few resources, members hired Mary Louise Gifford, a new seminary graduate, to be their full-time minister. Wollaston is now a vibrant, Spirit-filled faith community — a turnaround church. Changes in worship, stewardship, and priorities, combined with the congregation’s resilience and Gifford’s optimistic leadership, have transformed this church. Gifford tells us how.

Addressing a wide audience, Gifford shows church leaders they have options and reason for hope. People in dying churches will find assurance that they are still a part of the body of Christ. Clergy serving these struggling churches will discover tools and resources to help them guide change. Judicatory leaders will appreciate an inspiring story they can tell about a church that turned around in spite of the odds. The Turnaround Church, while not a prescription for all churches, is a call to make long-lasting, life-sustaining changes.

About the Author

Mary Louise Gifford is pastor of the Wollaston Congregational Church United Church of Christ and co-chair of the Massachusetts Conference’s Commission for Evangelism and Church Vitality. Mary Louise is a certified vitality coach for the Conference and a field education supervisor for Andover Newton Theological School students.

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