Gorsuch, Pastoral Visitation

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Nancy J. Gorsuch, Pastoral Visitation: Creative Pastoral Care and Counseling Series. Fortress Press, 1999.

Referenced in: Pastoral Care

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

This is part of the respected Creative Pastoral Care and Counseling Series. Chapter 2 offers a theology of visitation that builds upon three metaphors: courageous shepherd, wounded healer (cf. Nouwen), and the wise fool (fairly obscure but intriguing section). Chapter 3 discusses how to regulate relationships of power and authority as it pertains to the pastoral role. The strength of the book is chapters 1, 4 and 5 with the instruction on showing pastoral initiative, purposeful visitation, active listening, pastoral assessment, ethical conduct, and visitation guidelines. This book is designed for personal growth of pastors, and the appendix includes guidelines on how to use the book in a training workshop for lay-caregivers.

From the Publisher

Clergy, students of pastoral care, and lay visitation volunteers will find Nancy Gorsuch an effective guide in developing an intentional, proactive program of pastoral visitation in the local church. To increase the pastoral visitor’s positive experiences of effectiveness, the author presents basic “how to” information in a straightforward manner characterized by vivid illustrations and case studies. The book provides a theological bases for pastoral visitation and goes on to explore the types and purposes of visitation, preparation and resources, training and basic helping skills, assessment and follow-up, and methods of sustaining pastoral visitation as a means of building a caring community of faith.

About the Author

Nancy J. Gorsuch is Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University.

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