Hammar, Church and Clergy Tax Guide

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Richard R. Hammar, J.D., LL.M., CPA. Church and Clergy Tax Guide. Christianity Today, Inc..

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Referenced in: Tax, Legal and Risk-Management Issues

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

This volume is Your Church Magazine/Christianity Today’s recommended version of the standardized manuals on the unique tax regulations regarding churches and ministers. The author, Richard Hammar, is a highly regarded author on this subject, having also produced the four volume set, Pastor, Church, and Law, Volumes 1-4, which cover legal issues, church property and administration, employment law, and liability and church-state issues.

There are several tax guides similar to Hammar, each of them listed under Tax, Legal, and Risk Management.

Publisher’s Product Description

Get a better understanding of U.S. tax laws as they relate to pastors and churches with the Church & Clergy Tax Guide. Learn how tax laws apply to you, how to correctly report your federal income taxes and social security taxes, understand relevant exemptions, and reduce your tax liability as much as possible. You’ll also find easy-to-understand charts and real-life illustrations. This book is designed to be a resource for ministers and also church treasurers, board members bookkeepers, attorneys, CPA’s and tax practitioners throughout the year. Entire chapters are devoted to the tax laws you have the most questions about, including: tax changes to help prepare your returns, federal church reporting requirements, designated contributions, charitable contributions, business expense reimbursement, tax liability reduction, and clergy retirement plans

The Church & Clergy Tax Guide provides a comprehensive update on every change. You’ll receive complete and extensive information on all major tax issues that affect churches and clergy, including dozens of practical examples and illustrated forms.

Richard Hammar, an attorney and a CPA, is considered by many as the leading tax authority in the United States today on church and clergy tax law. That’s why over 40,000 churches have selected his tax resources along with over 1,000 denominational agencies.

About the Author

Richard Hammar is an attorney, certified public accountant, and best-selling author specializing in legal and tax issues for churches and clergy. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he is the author of more than 100 books, including Pastor, Church & Law and the annual resources Church & Clergy Tax Guide and The Compensation Handbook for Church Staff. He also writes the bi-monthly newsletter Church Law & Tax Report, has contributed articles to numerous journals and publications, is a frequent speaker at legal and tax conferences, and has taught church law at a number of seminaries.

***For additional information on this resource, including reviews, click the bookstore links. Check the reference at page top or the links below for resource guides on related topics.***

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