Kraft, Leaders Who Last

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Dave Kraft, Leaders Who Last. Crossway Books, 2010.

Referenced in: Biblical and Spiritual Foundations of Leadership Summary

Since there are so many books on leadership, one has to ask whether a new book actually contributes anything that is not already available. Kraft does, primarily because he is an experienced leader, now in his seventies, who serves as leadership development pastor of Mars Hill Church. This has earned him the respect to write this volume in the Re-Lit series in association with Resurgence Network. The book also comes highly recommended by several notables (see reviews below). Kraft writes well, and the book is not difficult to read, similar in style, quality, and flow as the old classic on spiritual leadership by J. Oswald Sanders. It contains enough gems that any leader would benefit.

The book is built around this key definition of leadership, which is repeated throughout the book:

“A Christian leader is a humble, God-dependent, team-playing servant of God who is called by God to shepherd, develop, equip, and empower a specific group of believers to accomplish an agreed-upon vision from God.” (25)

Kraft lays out the essential meaning of each of these components:

  • Christian leaders are, first and foremost, servants (bond slaves) of the Lord, and second, servants of those they are leading.
  • They are characterized by humility, dependence, and team-playing, rather than being a loner or one-man show.
  • Christian leaders are called by God into leadership. They do not decide for themselves to be a leader.
  • They are not pushed into leadership by well-meaning supporters, nor do they arrive at leadership because no one else will do it.
  • Christian leaders have at least four major responsibilities:
    • Shepherding – a leader loves and cares for those being led.
    • Developing – a leader helps those being led in their personal walk with Jesus Christ to become fully devoted followers.
    • Equipping – a leader trains those being led for ministry.
    • Empowering – a leader inspires, encourages, affirms, believes in, and frees people up to serve out of their gifting.
  • Christian leaders are moving toward a specific destination.
  • Christian leaders are creating and sustaining an agreed-upon vision. There is an initial buy-in and growing ownership of the vision among those being led.


“Dave Kraft has written a thorough and enlightening book on leadership that is easy to read and practical, full of great illustrations and stimulating quotations. This is a book for leaders who want to keep growing in their understanding of leadership, finish strongly, and lead with passion.” —Mike Treneer, International President, The Navigators

“Drawing from three decades in ministry and coaching ministry leaders, my friend and fellow Mars Hill pastor Dave Kraft has combined his best insights into Leaders Who Last.” — Mark Driscoll, Founding Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle; President, the Resurgence; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network

“I love it when a practitioner not a theorist writes a book on leadership. I have known Dave for many years and his personal as well as his professional life is exemplary. He is someone you want to follow. He is a leader that knows how to last. He leads from conviction and character. He is a leader that understands how to place Christ at the center of his world and lead with purpose, passion, priorities, and proper pacing. Leaders Who Last is a powerful tool written by a respected leader who knows how to finish well.” — Greg Salciccioli, Founding President of Ministry Coaching International

“Leaders Who Last is filled with practical principles to develop leaders who will influence others.” — Scott Thomas, Director, Acts 29 Network

“This book carefully constructs a scriptural approach to leadership in a manner that is both accurate and practical. When you combine Dave’s sound scriptural basis with his many years of successful leadership, you get a book that should become a handbook for Christians who are serious about learning to lead well. Christians at all levels of responsibility in their organizations will find this information invaluable to their personal growth and effective leadership.” — Keith McGuire, retired director for a federal agency

“Dave Kraft is a proven leader, but he’s also a keen observer of leaders and leadership principles. In this valuable book, Dave passes on foundational lessons that will help any leader continue growing, learning, and adapting to our rapidly changing world—a world desperate for what true leaders have to offer. He challenges leaders to live with passion and vision flowing from their God-given design and calling—essentials for those who hope to serve and influence others for a lifetime.” — Pete Gerhard, Professional coach of emerging leaders

“I could have used your book when I began volunteering at Saddleback Church in the Children’s and Jr. High Ministry. I believe this book to be an essential tool for any church volunteer starting to serve in their prospective ministry.” — Dave Makela, VP of Sales, Ministry Coaching International

“I must say that it is exceptional. It is superbly written—very readable, great flow, one thought building on another, excellent use of Scripture and illustrations, some very practical ideas that the reader is sure to remember, apply and pass on. Thanks for being in my life, Dave, and for all that you have added into my life as a Christian leader.” — Coppersmith, Mike, Lead Pastor, Our Savior’s Community Church

About the Author

DAVE KRAFT served with the Navigators for thirty-eight years before joining Mars Hill Church in Seattle. As leadership development pastor at Mars Hill, Kraft recruits, trains, and places leaders for the church’s seven campuses. He and his wife Susan have been married for forty years and have four adult children and four grandchildren.

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