Olsen, Selecting Church Leaders

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Charles M. Olsen and Ellen Morseth, Selecting Church Leaders: A Practice in Spiritual Discernment. Alban Institute, 2002.

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LifeandLeadership.com Summary

It is easy for churches in ministerial transitions to get so caught up in managing church ‘politics’ – search committees, searching, narrowing candidates, interviewing, etc. – that they forget the paramount importance of discerning God’s will. This book suggests spiritual practices (e.g. scripture, silence, worship) to bring the entire congregation and candidates into a prayerful process of aligning themselves with God’s intentions. It encourages all involved to ask God to reveal his choice regarding the new leader. Excellent stories from scripture and contemporary congregations.

From the Publisher

Olsen and Morseth provide principles of spiritual discernment to help in the practical task of selecting congregational leader.

About the Author

Rev. Dr. Charles M. (Chuck) Olsen, ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA), directs Worshipful-Work: Center for Transforming Religious Leadership. He is an experienced consultant, conference presenter, and spiritual director for clergy and lay leaders, and has special interests in national and local church renewal and revitalization. Chuck’s Alban Institute book, Transforming Church Boards into Communities of Spiritual Leaders details his four-year project on the integration of spirituality and administration in church boards and councils. He is also co-author of Discerning God’s Will Together.

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