Powers, Church Administration Handbook

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Bruce P. Powers, Editor, Church Administration Handbook, 3rd Edition. B&H Academic. 2008.

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Referenced in: Church Administration, General Manuals

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

In its earlier edition, this was the first church administration manual I bought when beginning my ministry. It is continuously updated, now in its third edition as of 2008 (check for updates on Amazon). In my opinion, it is the best one volume for general church administration, and it handles each topic adequately enough for introductory exposure. This is usually the manual I recommend as the standard for younger ministers. Experienced ministers may need materials that address specific administrative tasks more extensively, but for the overall survey of executive responsibilities, this volume does a good job. It includes many sample forms and templates in connection with the appropriate sections. It is not as strong in the area of planning (see Anthony/Estep) or financial management (see Crumroy/Kukawka and Pollock). It does assume Southern Baptist polity in much of its language and organizational layouts, but one can usually plug in their own titles and structures for use in a variety of backgrounds. A companion volume, Christian Education Handbook, addresses the unique managerial challenges of directors of Christian education.

From the Publisher

What’s new about this third edition of the long respected and often used Church Administration Handbook? In addition to time and technological-sensitive updates to the basic organizational details, editor Bruce Powers writes:

“The needs of people and churches have continued to change, with questions now being raised about the quality of congregational life, nature of leadership, and responsibility for ministry among all believers…As we have prepared this edition, we have sought to address five primary needs.

1. Leadership skills and administrative tools that can be adapted for use in a variety of contexts from traditional to contemporary, from rural to urban, and from unicultural to multicultural settings;

2. Spiritual formation that relates to all of life (from birth to death);

3. Mission consciousness (in community, regionally, nationally, and globally);

4. Ministry of all believers (particularly calling out and equipping vocational, bivocational, and lay ministers); and

5. Leadership competence (the ability to inspire, motivate, and equip the saints for the work of ministry).”

This newly revised and updated edition offers even more practical administrative guidelines, organizational hints, advice on personnel matters and much more. Together with the newly revised Christian Education Handbook, this volume provides complete basic church information and administrative guidelines.

About the Author

Bruce P. Powers is the Langston professor of Christian education at Campbell University Divinity School in Buies Creek, North Carolina.

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