Stone, Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling

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Howard Stone, Strategies for Brief Pastoral Counseling. Augsburg Fortress, 2001.

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Referenced in: Pastoral Counseling

From the Publisher

More and more professionals in ministry realize the benefits of brief pastoral counseling, typically three sessions, for addressing the real-life dilemmas of their congregants. In this very helpful resource, eleven leaders in pastoral counseling, both established leaders and new thinkers in the field, offer a convincing rationale.

Based on research, case studies, and the latest thinking, they lay out (1) the dynamics of the pastor-parishioner relationship, including the need for collaborative, hospitable, future-oriented, and wholistic counseling, and (2) specific strategies, including brief counseling’s solution-focused method, its relation to spiritual direction, its focus on people’s strengths, and time limits. The volume concludes with a call for the whole field to recognize the contextual, practical character of effective, responsible pastoral counseling.

Contributors include Howard Stone, Duane Bidwell, Brian Childs, Howard Clinebell, Katherine Godby, Nancy Gorsuch, Jan James, Charles Kollar, Andrew Lester, James Sharp, and Frank Thomas.

About the Author

Howard W. Stone is Professor of Psychology and Pastoral Counseling at Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University. Among his many influential books are Brief Pastoral Counseling; Crisis Counseling; Depression and Hope; and (with James O. Duke) How to Think Theologically.

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