Thomas, Therapeutic Expedition

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John C. Thomas and Lisa Sosin, Therapeutic Expedition: Equipping the Christian Counselor for the Journey. B and H Academic, 2011.

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Referenced in: Pastoral Counseling Summary

The uniqueness of this volume is that it traces the typical development of a long-term helping relationship, and guides the counselor through each phase, thus the “expedition.” It is for those who have a level of advanced training, and need something that integrates all their learning into an understandable process.

From the Publisher

For undergraduates and those pursuing a master’s degree in counseling, psychology, social work, or pastoral counseling, Therapeutic Expedition is the only comprehensive basic helping skills textbook built upon a biblical world-view. Authors John C. Thomas and Lisa Sosin pull from their combined fifty years of clinical and classroom experience to prepare future counselors for their professional journey, fostering specific skills application in the areas of:

  • Creating a helping relationship 
  • Assigning homework 
  • Exploring the counselee’s concerns 
  • Spiritual strategies 
  • Facilitating the sessions 
  • Using metaphors 
  • Assessing the counselee

The book’s unique combination of qualities-a practical approach highlighting professional and personal growth based on authoritative, interdisciplinary, and biblical worldview outlooks-makes this an outstanding text within its field. Workbook excercises to foster skills application are included with each chapter. There is also an instructional DVD available to professors (but not packaged with the book) featuring vignettes designed to work conjointly with each chapter’s activities.

About the Authors

John C. Thomas is associated professor of Counseling and Family Studies at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He holds a Ph.D. in Counseling and a Graduate Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Studies from the University of South Carolina and also a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from Capella University.

Lisa Sosin is a clinical psychologist and professional counselor as well as associate Ph.D. program director at Liberty University. She holds a Ph.D. in professional counseling from Liberty and an M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the Michigan School of Professional Psychology.

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