Thrall, McNicol and McElrath, Beyond Your Best

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Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol and Ken McElrath, Beyond Your Best: Develop Your Relationships, Fulfill Your Destiny. Leadership Catalyst, 2003.

Referenced in: Leadership Development Through Character Formation Summary

The authors, co-founders of True Face, describe leadership development in terms of a ladder that one “ascends” to develop both the character and capacity to lead. Using scores of biblical and real life examples, the authors present a convincing case that effective leaders are those who focus on both being (character) and doing (capacity), with emphasis on being.

First is the capacity ladder with four upward rungs — discover what I can do, develop my capacities, acquire title or position, and attain individual potential. This is a short ladder, and it is important, but not enough. It may lack the real fulfillment that comes from knowing one has contributed to the needs of a community of people and done more than create a list of individual accomplishments. It results in a deep loneliness. It is also inadequate. There is nothing more common than people with great ability and accomplishments who have very little real capacity to influence others.

This reveals the importance of the character ladder. The vertical “rails” which uphold the rungs of this ladder are the environments and relationships of grace that help us grow in character. This suggests it is hard to develop leadership character where the environment (organizational culture) is unhealthy and disempowering, resulting in mistrust, conflict, rigidity, and decreased problem-solving abilities. Leadership develops best in places of emotional safety and comfortable risk.

“When our needs are met amid relationships of grace, we become fulfilled. In fulfillment, we give back to the community in a measure far greater that we could as isolated individuals. When we understand and admit how much we need each other, we can leave behind our overdependence on lonely capacity ladders and begin forming the basis for caring communities where ordinary people accomplish extraordinary things, including the development of their character. …When we love others and are loved by others in the workplace, we will do better work. People who live in this kind of sustaining community have far more fun as they enjoy each other’s personalities and spirits.” (57-58)

Leaders must create such environments for those they lead, and seek such environments for their own growth, if not through their professional roles then through a mentor, home, church, or a special group of friends. It is in these environments where we are freed to begin ascending the character ladder. The first rung, stepping up through an act of trusting God and others around me, gives us the secure base from which we may go the second rung to choose vulnerability with others, opening ourselves up for review. The third rung is aligning with truth, i.e. acting upon the wisdom and truth of good counsel. The fourth is paying the price, staying true to character amidst serious challenges that usually call for difficult decisions but which bring about suffering and maturity. The fifth rung is the discovery of one’s destiny. This book discusses the progression through these ladders over a lifetime of leadership development, and how the two ladders of capacity and character are integrated.

Beyond Your Best is an excellent tool not only for individual development, but for any church leadership team that is considering how to create environments where leaders can grow.

From the Publisher

Achieve new heights by identifying and nurturing the people who will be key to your lasting success As truly successful people know, it’s not skills and tricks that bring success, but the positive influence of lasting relationships that ultimately determine success in all areas of life. Consultants Thrall and McNicol share an approach to climbing the ladder of success based on creating lasting change in your life. By paying close attention to the relationships that we create at home, at work, and in our communities, we can turn ordinary relationships into extraordinary results for our lives—and in turn have a positive impact on the lives of others. Taking a holistic approach that includes the spiritual dimensions of success, the authors show how to move up the ladder of success while experiencing trust, intentional vulnerability, truth to others and self, and more to attain our true destiny

About the Authors

BILL THRALL A former church leader and staff elder, Bill Thrall serves as leadership mentor for Leadership Catalyst, Inc. (LCI), a nonprofit organization dedicated to igniting character development in current and emerging leaders.

BRUCE MCNICOL brings international experience in coaching leaders and serves as LCI’s president.

KEN MCELRATH is director of marketing and product development of LCI.

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