Vassallo, Church Communications Handbook

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Wanda Vassallo, Church Communications Handbook: A Complete Guide to Developing a Strategy, Using Technology, Writing Effectively, and Reaching the Unchurched. 2nd Edition. Kregel Academic and Professional, 1997.

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Referenced in: Marketing and Communication Summary

This book is divided into six sections that cover dimensions such as communication basics, vision-casting, person-to-person (e.g. meeting strangers, integrating new members, small groups), effective meetings, audio-visuals, congregational surveys, church bulletins/newsletters, brochures, advertising, e-distribution, copyright issues, dealing with news media, and conducting special evangelistic events. One may find some useful information in this text, although some of it is elementary and outdated.

From the Publisher

A communications specialist discusses communication in the local church-advertising, talking with the media, communicating with members, and utilizing technology. Includes helpful forms, checklists, and examples from cutting-edge churches.

About the Author

Wanda Vassallo served as Director of Information Services and as Director of Communications for the Dallas Independent School District for fifteen years and as a columnist for three Dallas-area newspapers. She is the author of over one hundred articles in professional and religious magazines and four books, including Speaking with Confidence and How to Handle the News Media.

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