Welch, Church Administration

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Robert H. Welch, Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Ministry. Broadman and Holman Academic, 2005.
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Referenced in: Church Administration, General Manuals

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

This text enjoys wide use. Its twelve chapters contain insight into various administrative processes such as documents for the church (by-laws, operational manuals), church organization, personnel, finances, facilities, office, risk management and planning. Welch’s strength is not in procedures and templates, but in the experienced and common sense wisdom on church administration in each of these areas. Every principle is illustrated with stories of actual situations faced by congregations.

From the Publisher

For churches and religious nonprofits, the business of business is not business-it is ministry. However, these organizations still have to plan. Because organization is needed to accomplish specific tasks, leadership must train and motivate workers in progress and effectiveness. This book will assist the pastors and church administrators in becoming effective and efficient leaders, managers, and administrators.

About the Author

Welch is dean of the School of Educational Ministries, associate dean for Ph.D. in Educational Ministries, and professor of administration at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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