Welch, Church Organization Manual

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Robert H. Welch, Church Organization Manual: Policies and Procedures for the Local Church. National Association of Church Business Administrators Press, 2002.

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Referenced in: Church Administration, General Manuals

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

This is a revision of an earlier edition (1999) produced by the National Association of Church Business Administrators. Its strength is providing a collection of ready-to-use administrative templates on typical areas of church management that can be changed and adapted according to local needs (see the publisher’s description below for the areas covered). Its weakness is in the philosophy and process of policy-making. It should not replace a good general church administration manual, but for those who already have the general tools and want more boiler-plates, this volume may help.

From the Publisher

Effective organization and management can dramatically reduce the degree of confusion and uncertainty that exists when no specific guidance is provided in the operation of the church. Three general areas of church function – authority, organization, and administration – are covered. The Church Organization Manual provides job descriptions, committee policies, salary plans, church use policies, space utilization policies, benevolence policies, and forms which can be copied or purchased. Because of The Church Organization Manual’s comprehensiveness, displaying a wide variety of policies and the requisite implementing procedures, it can be used with appropriate local modification, as an example by a church of any size.

About the Author

Robert H. Welch (Ph.D., M.A.R.E.) is Retired Professor of Administration and Hugh Seborn Simpson Chair of Administration in Religious Education at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.

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