White, Saying Goodbye

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Edward A. White, Editor, Saying Goodbye: A Time of Growth for Congregations and Pastors. Alban Institute, 1990.

Referenced in: Ministry Transitions and Interim Ministry

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

This is a collection of articles on eight dimensions of ministry terminations:

  1. Knowing when it’s time to leave
  2. Leave-taking as a time for personal growth
  3. How to say goodbye
  4. Special goodbyes
  5. Liturgical resources for pastoral closure
  6. Helping a congregation deal with its feelings
  7. Ethics of a relationship after the minister says goodbye
  8. Learning to live with risk and uncertainty

The appendix includes a helpful checklist for ministers saying goodbye. Many (though not all) of the articles are quite good, particularly Edward White’s sermons on saying goodbye and transition times for the congregation.

From the Publisher

Leaving a pastorate is hard on both congregation and pastor. Learn how to make this transition a growth experience for all. Written for congregations and pastors, Saying Goodbye skillfully weaves accounts from clergy, laity, and educators of seven denominations with White’s own insight as a former General Presbyter to create a resource for meaningful and healthy partings. Includes examples of a “farewell” worship service and litany for closure of a ministry.

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