Worth, Income Tax Guide for Ministers

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Beverly J. Worth, Worth’s Income Tax Guide for Ministers. Evangel Publishing House.

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Referenced in: Tax, Legal, and Risk-Management Issues

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

This is Beverly Worth’s version of the standard minister tax preparation manuals. Since ministers have unique tax responsibilities, burdens, and allowances, such guides are indispensable for the financial health of the minister and his family. It is recommended that these volumes be used in conjunction with, not apart from, advice from an accountant or tax attorney, especially in one’s early years of ministry. If after several years of experience one does not feel the need to consult a professional, it is still important to reference a guide like this one, and to get the updated volume for each new tax year.

This is in the same genre as similar manuals that are featured under Tax, Legal, and Risk Management. Any of these volumes, if consulted in their current year editions, provides excellent advice on the unique dynamics of minister’s tax preparation.

From the Publisher

Thousands of pastors, church board members, and tax preparers depend on this book to chart their way through the special rules that apply to ministers’ tax returns. Worth’s step-by-step explanation focuses on tax issues that pertain to ministers instead of general tax matters. Recent court rulings and tax cases are cited, highlighting how the rules have changed since last year.

Learn how to establish the most economical salary package for the minister. Discover what sources of income are taxable and what sources are non-taxable. Make the most of tax deductions for parsonage allowance, travel, meals, and other professional expenses. Worth’s Income Tax Guide for Ministers puts the essential information at your fingertips.

About the Author

Beverly J. Worth is the founder and owner of Worth Tax & Financial Services of Warsaw, Indiana. She is an Enrolled Accountant with the Internal Revenue Service and a Certified Tax Practitioner.

Mrs. Worth speaks annually to hundreds of pastors and accountants at her tax seminars throughout the United States. Her husband, Jack Worth, is pastor of a congregation of the Brethren Church.

Beverly Worth was awarded the 2004 Business Woman of the Year Award by the National Republican Congressional Committee in March 2005. She attended an RCC dinner with special guest and speaker, President George W. Bush.

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